Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting

Setting Reduction Targets and Tracking Inventory Changes (Part 2- Guidance)

Guidance 1. Steps for setting reduction targets and tracking changes Step 1: Complete and report a base inventory The company needs to create a starting list (base inventory) of the environmental impact of its product. This list must follow specific rules (requirements of the standard). This doesn’t have to be the first list ever; the …

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Setting Reduction Targets and Tracking Inventory Changes (Part 1- Requirements)

Introduction What the Standard is About: There’s a set of rules (standard) that’s like a guide for companies. The main aim is to make sure that when companies make lists of their products and share that information with the public (public reporting), it’s done in a good and consistent way. Why the Standard Exists: The …

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Reporting(Part 1- Requirements)

Requirements Reporting is crucial to ensure accountability and effective engagement with stakeholders. This blog(Requirements) summarizes the various reporting requirements specified in and identifies additional reporting considerations that together provide a credible reporting framework and enable users of reported data to make informed decisions. It is essential that the reported information is based on the key …

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Assurance(Part 1- Requirements)

Introduction Assurance Definition: Assurance refers to the degree of confidence or certainty we have that the information about a company’s inventory is reliable. This confidence is based on the understanding that the inventory details are thorough, correct, consistent, clear, pertinent, and don’t have significant mistakes. Why Assurance Matters: Getting assurance (confidence) about a company’s product …

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Calculating Inventory Results (Part 2-Guidance)

Calculating the inventory results of the studied product Companies should follow these steps when calculating the GHG impact of the studied product: A. Choose a GWP value: Companies need to select a Global Warming Potential (GWP) value, which represents the impact of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on global warming. The GWP values are updated by …

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Calculating Inventory Results (Part 1-Requirements)

Introduction This blog  outlines key requirements in quantifying the GHG inventory (means measuring or calculating the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of something) results of the studied product necessary for public reporting. Requirements Companies shall apply a 100 year global warming potential (GWP) factor to GHG emissions and removals data to calculate the inventory results in …

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Assessing Uncertainty(Part 2- Guidance)

Guidance Role of the uncertainty assessment process Keeping a List of Uncertainties: Companies that want to measure and report their GHG emissions need to keep a list of things they are not entirely sure about, or uncertainties. These uncertainties could be anything that might affect the accuracy of their measurements.  Why Keep a List of …

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