December 20, 2023
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol
They made a set of rules (GHG Protocol Product Standard) that companies can use to manage the gases from the things they make and sell. They want to work with different groups...
December 16, 2023
This blog is like a roadmap that guides a company on how to collect and handle data for their greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory. It’s not just about gathering the data but also making sure it’s...
December 14, 2023
Imagine you’re trying to figure out how much your company is affecting the environment by looking at all the things you buy, use, and produce. This is what we call a “scope 3 inventory.”
December 7, 2023
Many companies either rent or lease things like buildings or vehicles to other companies, or they rent things from other companies. When it comes to tracking and reporting the emissions produced by...
November 28, 2023
Recalculating base year emissions
When a company wants to track its emissions over time, they need to calculate a base year to use as a reference point. This base year helps them see if their emissions...
November 20, 2023
Greenhouse gas accounting and reporting is like keeping track of how much pollution a company creates and then telling others about it. It helps companies show how they’re doing in terms of reducing...
November 17, 2023
Examples of allocating emissions
1. Physical Allocation:
Sometimes, when a factory makes different products, they might use similar amounts of energy and materials to make them. However,...
November 16, 2023
Allocation is a process that companies use to divide or share the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) produced by a single facility or system among the different products or outputs it generates. It’s...
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